"'Passing By', United States, Colorado, Grand Mesa" by WanderingtheWorld (www.ChrisFord.com) is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Wednesday Service 7-8pm Please join us in person for our service in the sanctuary
Download or print a copy of Wednesday services.
1st Wednesday: Drumming Circle--Our drumming circle will allow you to express your most basic commonality with each other, rhythm. Drumming offers so many benefits including accelerating physical healing, boosting the immune system and releasing emotional trauma, not to mention its just FUN! As always, no experience encouraged! Love Offering 2nd Wednesday: Inspirational Film and Discussion-- Once a month we come together to view one or several video clips pertaining to our monthly focus at CSL. There is opportunity to engage in lively discussion after every clip, allowing us to share and learn from each other.
3rd Wednesday: Evensong--This is a contemplative sacred service offered in total candlelight. It includes group singing and chanting sacred songs from many cultures, as well as inspiring quotes and time of silent meditation.
Renew, refresh, relax and rejuvenate...perfect for a mid-week spiritual "high". Love Offering |
What is a Love Offering? A love offering is simply a monetary gift given for a service provided at CSL. There is always a basket available for the opportunity to tithe with your dollars showing your appreciation for the spiritual inspiration/services received. A love offering implies that one gives any amount they feel inspired to give and gives it joyfully and freely from the heart, thereby blessing themselves and the Center. CSL receives all love offerings with a grateful heart and uses these dollars to offer more services, help spread this inspirational philosophy, and carry out the vision, mission and purpose of Center for Spiritual Life. |
4th Wednesday: Spiritual Practice: Bring your yoga mat and comfortable clothes as we practice some gentle Tai Chi movements, and breath work. We will practice different meditation techniques and learn to use Spiritual Mind Treatment, or affirmative prayer. Everyone is welcome to participate at your own pace and level.
Please wear comfortable clothing.
Love Offering
Please wear comfortable clothing.
Love Offering
5th Wednesday: "Motion of Devotion"(MOD):
Call and Response Worship Singing with Roy and Brenda Broadbooks.
MOD is a group call and response singing devotion to the power of Love within us, which guides us through the 5 steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment as created by Ernest Holmes, also called Affirmative Prayer. This activity is for the mind, the heart, the body and the soul.
Love Offering
Call and Response Worship Singing with Roy and Brenda Broadbooks.
MOD is a group call and response singing devotion to the power of Love within us, which guides us through the 5 steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment as created by Ernest Holmes, also called Affirmative Prayer. This activity is for the mind, the heart, the body and the soul.
Love Offering